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Senator Lindsey Graham
Russell Senate Office Bldg, Room 211
2 Constitution Ave, NE
Washington DC 20510-4003
Phone: 202-224- 5972
Fax: 202-224- 3808
530 Johnnie Dodds Boulevard, Suite 202
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Main: (843) 849-3887
Fax: (843) 971-3669
Senator Tim Scott
Hart Senate Office Bldg, Room 520
120 Constitution Avenue, NE
Washington DC 20510-4005
Phone: 202-224- 6121
Fax: 202-228- 5143
2500 City Hall Lane, 3rd Floor
North Charleston, SC 29406
Phone: 843-727- 4525
Fax: 843-802- 9355
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